Jul 26, 2009

Healthcare Myths Part 2

There was a very interesting AP article in the newspapers today. It was titled: “Silver Lining in Healthcare Storm? Lobbyists.”

The article starts out “A strong force, perhaps as powerful in Congress as President Obama, is keeping the drive for healthcare going, even as lawmakers seem hopelessly at odds. Lobbyists. The drug industry, the American Medical Association, hospital groups and the insurance lobby are all saying Congress must make major changes this year. Television ads paid for by drug companies and insurers continued to emphasize the benefits of a healthcare overhaul…”
Wait a minute…aren’t the “powerful lobbyists,” the “big drug companies,” the insurance companies who are only interested in profits, the high doctor fees….the villains railed against by President Obama, the liberals, the State run media, and the Grad Student?? What do you think is going on here? Are these “powerful,” “evil,” “profit hungry,” “heartless,” “big business,” entities now “the good guys” because they’re: (a) paying the right people now; (b) doing Congress’ bidding; (c) reached deals with the current administration where their interests will be protected; or (d) they’ve just had a change of heart,… have become altruistic and are willing to give up all profits and their former ways?
Is there a clue in the deal that the AMA struck, to support reductions in Medicare and Medicaid costs (saving $219 billion) for the bill “providing $245 billion to eliminate an annual shortfall in payments to doctors”? Democrats then introduced legislation to remove this ($245B) obligation from counting against the federal deficit!!

So, the government will (a) claim $219 billion in savings, (b) get AMA support, and (c) not count $245 billion of committed funds for the doctors in the AMA. Magic! I can hardly wait to hear what the drug companies are going to get, can you? Sounds more like “Pay-Vote” than “Pay-Go”.
Hmmm….doesn’t sound like “change we can believe in” to me…how about you?

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