Jan 31, 2009


Time for a new topic. Today I'm starting my Obama "PAYBAraCK METER". There is no check and balance with the new one party rule, and the media is largely in the tank for our new president. Even O'Reilly won't investigate or comment on Obama transgressions and political payoffs. It is, without any watchdog media for this administration, up to we bloggers to report on the political payoffs and corruption when/if such occurs.

For example: has anyone heard any thing about that "internal investigation" of his administration's connection to the selling of the Senate seat in Chicago ? President Obama announced he would report on "in a few days" and assured us that he was committed to "transparancy" in this new administration. That was a month ago. O'Reilly, along with the rest of the media that he accuses of being "in the tank for Obama", seems to have forgotten about it. And, by the way, Fitzgerald has gotten awfully quiet about the whole affair as well. If he wasn't prepared to indict Blagojevich for over two months, why did he have to jump out and hold a news conference last December? Very curious, don't you think? Could there have been any "PAY BAraCK" about to take place here that got derailed? Where's that "transparency"? I know there's no "transparency" so far, but I don't know if there's PAY BAraCK in this case or not yet. The media (including O'Reilly) is convinced there is no wrong doing..."cause Obama say so".

So my first official listing of PAY BAraCK the new administration is the Unions. First, the president appoints a socialist to head the NLRB. I am not ranting when I refer to Wilma Liebman as a socialist. It's simply true. One of her recent quotes before congress, in referring to unionization said " What institution will be as effective in controlling the randomness of fortune of democratic capitalism?". That's right, she doesn't believe in "democratic capitalism". After all, it creates wealth randomly, and "we" (that would be the ruling elite) need to manage who gets what wealth (a much better method of control than military control). Liebman argues forcefully to allow unionization without elections (that democracy stuff sometimes gives the wrong answer). Further, Obama has expressed favor for "cardcheck", legislation that strongly favors unions by overriding those risky democratic, secret ballot elections. Liebman is an outspoken champion of that legislation, stating that individual freedoms sometimes have to be overlooked in the interest of collectivism and social justice. Further, President Obama reversed a previous presidential order outlawing unions from requiring members to pay for political campaigns, to the candidates of the union leaderships choosing, of course (no self interest there, I suppose).

Yes, Unions...check them off, they've been paid BAraCK!

Next time the PAY BAraCK Meter will check ACORN to see if the new administration found a way to funnel some money to them (Hint...it couldn't be "earmarks" could it?)

1 comment:

  1. Great points Dad - So how much longer will it take for those poor, disillusioned young people (my peers) to figure out that their messiah is indeed not going to be "different" or create "change" and hope and rainbows, and so forth. The only change that we have seen so far is that it is no longer required to wear a jacket in the oval office....will he ever cease to inspire??? Amazing.....


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