I recently had the opportunity to hear Dr. Francis Collins give two lectures. Dr. Collins is the former head of the Human Genome Project, an outspoken Christian and author of
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. The first lecture was about the Human Genome Project. Later, he gave a second lecture on his beliefs about the relationship between science and religion. Hundreds of students and members of the public packed the lecture hall to hear him speak, spilling into overflow rooms provided with video feeds. Collins argues that evolution is a fact, that it does not contradict the Bible because not all of the Bible is literally true, and that there is scientific evidence for a God that intervenes in the universe. You can watch the lecture
I didn't buy his pitch. But he has an interesting perspective, and he is a light-hearted, funny guy with an opinion to share. I even got free copies of
Language of God and C.S. Lewis'
Mere Christianity out of the deal.
Below - Dr. Francis Collins unwittingly signs his book for Freyguy, seen here hunching over like an idiot even though he is completely in frame.
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