Jan 17, 2010

Your very own personal soapbox

Whether you agree with Freyguy or merely disagree with The Old Man, we want to hear your take on the most important and not-beaten-to-death issues of the day.  We'll even give you a hand dismounting your high-horse so you can clamber onto your soapbox.

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  1. Here's my soapbox:

    Joe Wilson Vindicated by Obama

    Yes, this is me giving Obama’s State of the Union speech a positive spin. Remember, Joe’s offense was not that he misspoke, but that he spoke at all, thereby disrespecting the President and his office. Now perhaps Joe was so overcome with the moment that he just blurted out “You lie!” and perhaps it was planned. He apologized, however insincerely, later. But with Obama we know that he planned to disrespect the Supremes while they sat captive, to be jeered at by the President’s minions. This is totally beyond the pale. And I think we can agree that an apology will not be forthcoming. Shame on Obama and the Democratic mob.

    Now it’s true that Obama had the facts wrong and that the remedy he proposed doesn’t past constitution muster. But I’m not talking about that. Hell, he’s Obama and we are all conditioned to forgive him such transgressions. After all he has a history of being factually challenged. Remember, within the first minute of opening his mouth as President he got the facts wrong by stating, “Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.” A high school student might be forgiven for not remembering that Grover Cleveland swerved split terms and for not bothering to research whether all the others presidents did, in fact, take the oath. True, this is incredibly inconsequential; except for one inconvenient truth: One would expect better of a constitutional scholar making his first speech as President before a world audience.

    Obama ran as the candidate of change and I wondered at the time if he was serious. No need to wonder anymore. It’s just not change I believe in.

  2. For the record: "Joe Wilson of South Carolina said Obama lied, but he didn't"



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